Robert M. Hopkins

Robert M. Hopkins


Blind Insights

"I regard the deciphering of "unseen" signals within our body's system of 
feedback-loops as literally a process of making blind insights."

Artist Statement  

In Blind Insights, I use the process of collage to evoke the physicality of emotional experiences — inspired by notions of how we relate to reality by "feeling" and "listening" to our bodies.

Working with color-washed paper and common wood elements — such as tooth picks, skewers and chopsticks, I regards these objects as "visceral mappings" of an internal process we cannot see but only feel. In this way, collage provides an analogous process of "breaking down" and "piecing together" the bits of information we call reality. Contemplation, therefore, becomes not only a search for meaning in self-reflection, but also a means for deciphering the "unseen" signals within our bodies' feedback-loops — literally a process of making "blind insights". 

Ultimately, elements of movement, loops and rotation in my work refer to the circadian nature of life and creativity — a parallel universe of energy I prefer to arrange in scattered clusters on the wall.

Robert M. Hopkins

Related Links:

1. Feedback loops between pain, emotions and cognition ...

2. Visceral Influences on Brain and Behavior

Health Links: