Robert M. Hopkins

Robert M. Hopkins



15 Jan 2021

Seeds of Wisdom: Vol 5–8

Drifting Clouds, 2020

Drifting Clouds, 2020

“We make our way through everything like thread passing through fabric, giving shape to images that we ourselves do not know.”

—Rainer Maria Rilke

15 Nov 2020

Seeds of Wisdom: Vol 5–7

       “For everything you have missed, 
        you have gained something else,
            and for everything you gain, 
              you lose something else.”

              —Ralph Waldo Emerson

Autumn Leaves, 2020

Autumn Leaves, 2020

31 Oct 2020

Seeds of Wisdom: Vol 5–6

Evening Flow, 2020

Evening Flow, 2020

"The meaning in life is to find your gift.
 The purpose of life is to give it away."

       —Pablo Picasso

14 Oct 2020

Seeds of Wisdom: Vol 5–5

"If you can dream it, you can do it."

—Walt Disney

Flow, 2020

Flow, 2020

1 Oct 2020

Seeds of Wisdom: Vol 5–4

Sky-Wash, 2020

Sky-Wash, 2020

       "Life is a great big canvas, 
        and you should throw all the paint 
        on it you can."

        —Danny Kaye

    14 Sep 2020

    Seeds of Wisdom: Vol 5–3

    "The world is like a mirror: 
    frown at it and it frowns at you;
    smile, and it smiles too."

    —Herbert Samuels

    Window Dew, 2017

    Window Dew, 2017

    1 Sep 2020

    Seeds of Wisdom: Vol 5–2

    Twilight Trees, 2016

    Twilight Trees, 2016

    "Check out any celebrity magazine to look for examples to disabuse you of thinking that being beautiful, successful, or rich will make you happy.”

    —Shawn Achor

    15 Aug 2020

    Seeds of Wisdom: Vol 5–1

    "Within moments of logging on to social media, we have instant access to others’ accomplishments, vacations, job promotions, home upgrades, and culinary creations. It’s hard to be happy if we constantly concern ourselves with how we measure up to those around us.

    Gratitude has the opposite effect of social comparison — it redirects our attention to the many wonderful things we already have in our lives that we have likely taken for granted.”

    —Timothy Bono, Ph.D., Psychology Professor, Washington University in St. Louis

    Cloud Surf, 2018

    Cloud Surf, 2018

    1 Aug 2020

    Seeds of Wisdom: Vol 4–24

    Elm Leaves, 2014

    Elm Leaves, 2014

        “The art of being happy lies in
    the power of extracting happiness 
              from common things”.

             —Henry Ward Beecher 

    15 Jul 2020

    Seeds of Wisdom: Vol 4–23

                   patio fountain—
                   a drop of water marks
                   my page


    Garden Fountain, 2016

    Garden Fountain, 2016

    1 Jul 2020

    Seeds of Wisdom: Vol 4–22

    Silver and Gold, 2020

    Silver and Gold, 2020

    "Adversity has the effect 
     of eliciting talents, which, 
    in prosperous circumstances, 
                 would have lain dormant.”            

    14 Jun 2020

    Seeds of Wisdom: Vol 4–21

    [ Creative Chaos ]

    "When the going gets chaotic, the creative get going!"


    Twilight Waves, 2020

    Twilight Waves, 2020

    31 May 2020

    Seeds of Wisdom: Vol 4–20

    Shifting Winds, 2020

    Shifting Winds, 2020

     "With every challenge 
    comes new opportunities.
    With every opportunity comes 
    new challenges."


    15 May 2020

    Seeds of Wisdom: Vol 4–19

                   "The Theory of Rhythm"
                              [ r h² ]

                               "Over time,
                        routines (r) create a 
                    personal momentum (m
                that transforms ones’ life into
                   a rhythm of harmony (h
                       and happiness (h)."

                      —Robert M. Hopkins
                              (aka rmh²)

    Flowing Dawn, 2020

    Flowing Dawn, 2020

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